
Item Info

Green Live [Yellow_Live 993]

A vivid green ore that glows with the power of the earth.

Sale Price500 (605)
Skill Catalyst
Endow Quake
Temporarily enchant target party member's weapon with earth by chance.
Endow Quake
Recipe List [Archer]
150× Stone Arrow
Recipe List [Blacksmith]
Great Nature (10)
10 ± 5% base chance
Crafted (1) [NPC - um_in]
um_in (44, 71)
90% success chance

Umbala Hut
umbala (220, 189)
15× Horn
Crafted (10) [NPC - um_in]
um_in (44, 71)
80% success chance

Umbala Hut
umbala (220, 189)
1× Great Nature
Item Make
Old Blue Box
12 entries
Old Purple Box
14 entries
Item Proc
Dryad Card
1% on Plant kill
Monster Drop
Tri Joint1.61% Cyfar (1.01%) Solid Shell (3.81%) Aloevera (2.01%) Green Live (1.61%)
Star Dust (1.41%) Apple (0.01%) Rough Elunium (1.07%) Tri Joint Card (0.02%)
Hode1.21% Green Live (1.21%) Earthworm Peeling (90.01%) Rough Elunium (0.81%) Sticky Mucus (30.01%)
Town Sword [2] (0.11%) Foolishness of the Blind (0.02%) Fatty Chubby Earthworm (0.21%) Hode Card (0.02%)
Mantis1.11% Green Live (1.11%) Mantis Scythe (90.01%) Scell (14.01%) Rough Elunium (0.71%)
Solid Shell (2.51%) Emerald (0.11%) Red Herb (6.51%) Mantis Card (0.02%)
Goblin#earth1.01% Green Live (1.01%) Iron (1.71%) Poker Face (0.16%) Zorro Masque (0.04%)
Smasher [3] (0.11%) Buckler [1] (0.02%) Red Herb (15.01%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Vitata0.91% Green Live (0.91%) Worm Peeling (50.01%) Scell (2.01%) Honey (3.51%)
Honey (3.51%) Royal Jelly (2.01%) Rough Oridecon (0.27%) Vitata Card (0.02%)
Horn0.81% Green Live (0.81%) Emveretarcon (0.36%) Horn (55.01%) Guisarme [3] (0.16%)
Shell (55.01%) Solid Shell (0.71%) Apple (0.01%) Horn Card (0.02%)
Muka0.71% Green Live (0.71%) Cactus Needle (90.01%) Empty Bottle (20.01%) Green Herb (4.01%)
Red Herb (10.01%) Guisarme [2] (0.51%) Iron Ore (2.51%) Muka Card (0.02%)
Wormtail0.61% Green Live (0.61%) Emveretarcon (0.26%) Pointed Scale (55.01%) Pike [4] (0.31%)
Yellow Herb (0.71%) Emerald (0.06%) Green Lace (1.01%) Wormtail Card (0.02%)
Andre0.51% Worm Peeling (90.01%) Garlet (10.01%) Sticky Mucus (5.01%) Green Live (0.51%)
Star Dust (0.05%) Iron Ore (3.51%) Rough Elunium (0.29%) Andre Card (0.02%)
Curupira0.51% Dokebi Horn (90.01%) Rough Elunium (1.51%) Meat (3.01%) Tiger Panty (5.01%)
Green Live (0.51%) Mace [4] (1.01%) Sword Mace [1] (0.03%) Apple (0.01%)
Mandragora0.51% Green Live (0.51%) Stem (90.01%) Spear [4] (0.31%) Green Herb (3.51%)
Shoot (3.01%) Four Leaf Clover (0.04%) Gaia Whip (0.11%) Mandragora Card (0.02%)
Plasma#earth0.41% Scell (1.01%) Gift Box#box (0.11%) 2 Carat Diamond (0.03%) Blue Gemstone (1.01%)
Green Live (0.41%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Plasma Card (0.02%)
Stapo0.11% Jellopy (10.01%) Jubilee (10.01%) Apple (10.01%) Large Jellopy (1.01%)
Green Live (0.11%) Seismic Fist [3] (0.04%) Apple (0.01%) Stapo Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Tri Joint (1.61%)
1.01% 3.81% 2.01% 1.61%
1.41% 0.01% 1.07% 0.02%
Hode (1.21%)
1.21% 90.01% 0.81% 30.01%
0.11% 0.02% 0.21% 0.02%
Mantis (1.11%)
1.11% 90.01% 14.01% 0.71%
2.51% 0.11% 6.51% 0.02%
Goblin#earth (1.01%)
1.01% 1.71% 0.16% 0.04%
0.11% 0.02% 15.01% 0.02%
Vitata (0.91%)
0.91% 50.01% 2.01% 3.51%
3.51% 2.01% 0.27% 0.02%
Horn (0.81%)
0.81% 0.36% 55.01% 0.16%
55.01% 0.71% 0.01% 0.02%
Muka (0.71%)
0.71% 90.01% 20.01% 4.01%
10.01% 0.51% 2.51% 0.02%
Wormtail (0.61%)
0.61% 0.26% 55.01% 0.31%
0.71% 0.06% 1.01% 0.02%
Andre (0.51%)
90.01% 10.01% 5.01% 0.51%
0.05% 3.51% 0.29% 0.02%
Curupira (0.51%)
90.01% 1.51% 3.01% 5.01%
0.51% 1.01% 0.03% 0.01%
Mandragora (0.51%)
0.51% 90.01% 0.31% 3.51%
3.01% 0.04% 0.11% 0.02%
Plasma#earth (0.41%)
1.01% 0.11% 0.03% 1.01%
0.41% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Stapo (0.11%)
10.01% 10.01% 10.01% 1.01%
0.11% 0.04% 0.01% 0.02%
msql32.6 ms
html0.7 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©