
Item Info

Mastela Fruit [Fruit_Of_Mastela 522]

A shiny, purple fruit picked from the boughs of a mastela tree.

Buy Price8,500 (6,459)
Sale Price4,250 (5,142)
Recovery Info
HP Recovery400 ~ 600 (500)
 HP / zeny0.059
 HP / weight166.667
Recipe List [Chef]
Soul Haunted Bread (5)
-74.7 ± 2% base chance
Shiny Marinade Beef (1)
-65.7 ± 2% base chance
Mastela Fruit Wine (4)
-61.7 ± 2% base chance
Crafted (1) [NPC - prt_are_in]
Reward Staff
prt_are_in (98, 14)
100% success chance

Monster Arena
izlude (127, 226)
6× Arena Point
Crafted (1) [NPC - hugel]
hugel (71, 83)
100% success chance
1× Prize Medal
Crafted (2) [NPC - alberta]
alberta (117, 135)
100% success chance
1× Osiris Doll
NPC Shop
Hugel Market
Vegetable Gardener
hugel (77, 167)
Item Make
Item Proc
Tengu Card
0.05% on monster kill
Monster Drop
Incubus15.01% Mastela Fruit (15.01%) White Herb (55.01%) Incubus Horn (0.02%) Ring [1] (0.02%)
Gold Ring (5.01%) Diamond Ring (1.51%) White Herb (22.01%) Incubus Card (0.02%)
Succubus15.01% Mastela Fruit (15.01%) Crystal Pumps (0.04%) Boy's Pure Heart (0.02%) Diamond Ring (2.51%)
Succubus Horn (0.02%) Soul Staff (0.02%) Blue Potion (10.01%) Succubus Card (0.02%)
Explosion4.01% Wing of Red Bat (55.01%) Burning Heart (22.01%) Burning Hair (32.01%) Rough Oridecon (8.01%)
Mastela Fruit (4.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Explosion Card (0.02%)
Grand Peco3.01% Peco Peco Feather (48.51%) Mastela Fruit (3.01%) Wind of Verdure (10.01%) Gold (0.02%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Orange (5.01%) Grand Peco Card (0.02%)
Tengu1.51% Tengu Nose (35.01%) Broken Liquor Jar (55.01%) Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken [3] (0.06%) Mastela Fruit (1.51%)
Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken [4] (0.06%) Royal Cooking Kit (0.21%) Earth Spike 5 Scroll (1.01%) Tengu Card (0.02%)
Dark Illusion1.21% Evil Bone Wand (0.04%) Bone Helm (0.03%) Ragamuffin Manteau (0.04%) Brigan (53.36%)
Mastela Fruit (1.21%) White Herb (15.51%) Broad Sword [2] (0.03%) Dark Illusion Card (0.02%)
Kikimora1.01% Hinalle Leaflet (9.01%) Ancient Magic [2] (0.06%) Bitter Herb (1.01%) Mastela Fruit (1.01%)
Sticky Webfoot (35.01%) Fresh Fish (15.01%) Old Blue Box (0.04%) Green Herb (0.01%)
Blue Plant0.51% Blue Herb (55.01%) Flower (10.01%) Shoot (10.01%) Stem (5.01%)
Pointed Scale (3.01%) Mastela Fruit (0.51%) Grape (10.01%) Romantic Leaf (0.03%)
Creamy Fear0.51% Powder of Butterfly (45.51%) Silver Robe [1] (0.11%) Honey (5.51%) Butterfly Wing (2.01%)
Book [3] (0.09%) Icarus Wings (0.06%) Mastela Fruit (0.51%) Creamy Fear Card (0.02%)
Permeter0.26% Turtle Shell (44.14%) Broken Shell (0.46%) Trunk (12.41%) Red Herb (24.51%)
Zargon (12.41%) Mastela Fruit (0.26%) Anodyne (0.02%) Permeter Card (0.02%)
Giant Hornet0.13% Royal Jelly (5.51%) Honey (12.01%) Mastela Fruit (0.13%) Yggdrasil Leaf (0.16%)
Staff [3] (0.04%) Pearl (0.21%) Double Bound [3] (0.16%) Giant Hornet Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Incubus (15.01%)
15.01% 55.01% 0.02% 0.02%
5.01% 1.51% 22.01% 0.02%
Succubus (15.01%)
15.01% 0.04% 0.02% 2.51%
0.02% 0.02% 10.01% 0.02%
Explosion (4.01%)
55.01% 22.01% 32.01% 8.01%
4.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Grand Peco (3.01%)
48.51% 3.01% 10.01% 0.02%
0.01% 0.01% 5.01% 0.02%
Tengu (1.51%)
35.01% 55.01% 0.06% 1.51%
0.06% 0.21% 1.01% 0.02%
Dark Illusion (1.21%)
0.04% 0.03% 0.04% 53.36%
1.21% 15.51% 0.03% 0.02%
Kikimora (1.01%)
9.01% 0.06% 1.01% 1.01%
35.01% 15.01% 0.04% 0.01%
Blue Plant (0.51%)
55.01% 10.01% 10.01% 5.01%
3.01% 0.51% 10.01% 0.03%
Creamy Fear (0.51%)
45.51% 0.11% 5.51% 2.01%
0.09% 0.06% 0.51% 0.02%
Permeter (0.26%)
44.14% 0.46% 12.41% 24.51%
12.41% 0.26% 0.02% 0.02%
Giant Hornet (0.13%)
5.51% 12.01% 0.13% 0.16%
0.04% 0.21% 0.16% 0.02%
MVP Reward
Dracula 11.25% Yggdrasil Berry (55.00%*) 3 Carat Diamond (22.50%*) Mastela Fruit (11.25%*)
MVP Reward
Dracula (11.25%)
55.00%* 22.50%* 11.25%*
msql47.0 ms
html0.8 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©